Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Barcelona #2

I don't know how to even begin to write about Barcelona... I need days and days just to convey everything that has been happening. I'll start where I finished - with the convent - because it is endlessly fascinating, like the city.

There is always an elderly sister on duty. I ring a bell at the door in the wall, there's a short wait and one of two sisters whom I've met opens it. Both are small, neither speaks English but they are just lovely, can't do enough to help (which often involves finding someone else who has a small amount of English to solve a problem). This morning I needed to wash some clothes (more than I could easily do in the bathroom sink). However to use the convent washing machine and dryer was going to take more time than I had. So Sister Nuria (phonetic) and I had a gestural conversation in which she showed me how to set up and pay for the wash and indicated that she would peg the clothes out and get them back to me. I returned home this evening to find a tray of perfectly folded clothes - more beautifully folded than I could ever manage.

Yesterday, once I had been greeted and initiated (no signing in as such) I parked my bags in my room and just went walking. Tired as I was from a fairly sleepless night, an early start and a fairly demanding sequence of transport changes, I managed to hang out on the streets of Barcelona from about 2.30pm until after 10.00pm. So what did I discover?

It's hot...

...but being in the shade makes a big difference and there's always a shady spot somewhere nearby.

Down near the waterfront
La Rambla - the pedestrian artery - is tree-lined
Big, old and gorgeous is everywhere...

Placa de Sant Jaume - the convent is about a minute's walk from here
The gothic Catedral - also nearby
Museu Nacional d'Art Catalunya
...so are the tourists...

Queue outside Museu Picasso this morning
...and so are the poor, who range from those sleeping on the streets and begging (whom I cannot bring myself to photograph) to those who have a job of sorts...

Shoe-cleaning (I think) on La Rambla
...or who like a smoke while walking the dog.


  1. The buildings are stunning. How wonderful to see. XX

  2. Wow ! Ditto from Niki .. have you been inside the cathedral ? or other super buildings ? How hot is hot .. We had about 7 or 8 degrees today !!

  3. I've stopped even checking what the temp is. It's just HOT. In the sun. But much nicer in shade :-)

    Insides coming up...
