Saturday, September 14, 2013

Monumental Madrid...

Now I have traversed the central city a couple of times I am beginning to have a sense of the inner city's layout and of its 'monumentality' - literally. Everywhere you turn there is a graphic reminder of the power of royalty or the catholic church. It is a city of statues, fountains, beautiful parks and, above all, of people. The streets are packed and not just with tourists.

To begin with, some sense of that monumentality...

Plaza Mayor
On the Plaza de la Cibeles 
Parque de El Retiro - Monumento Alfonso X11
Palacio Real - one side
Palacio Real - other side 
Catedral La Almudena
From the dome of La Almudena


  1. I was surprised to see the Catedral La Almudena was only consecrated in 1993. It reminds me of the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament here in Christchurch. Perhaps not surprising as it was originally designed about the same time. You are obviously having a monumental time!

  2. The stained glass, sculpture and mosaic work in the Catedral are all quite modern but stunningly beautiful John.

  3. We could employ some of their masonary masters to rebuild here.
