Thursday, September 12, 2013

Goodbye Cordoba...

Early morning, as I leave, just above my little breakfast place...

Singing his heart out
On guard


  1. Hi Jane .. Just to let you know we are ok .. Have no power (Phone) or water since tuesday night from strong winds, many trees down .. a lot of people are saying worse winds than 1975 (if you remember that event). I have just popped to work to quickly catch up etc. So will check out your trip in more detail next week. Keep up good blogging and having fun. Geoff :o)>

  2. Oh, Geoff, I knew it had been bad but not that you had been affected to that extent :-((( Power AND water - that's bad. Will be thinking of you all. I remember '75 and '68 (Wahine). My special best wishes and love to you all. xxxx

  3. Thanks Jane .. all over barring MORE cleaning up now .. You will be close to home by now I believe :)
