Saturday, September 7, 2013

Granada #1

Granada has proved more challenging than Barcelona. There is little English spoken and getting my bearings has been tricky. A few hairy moments when I felt as though I was going in circles. The economic downturn is more apparent here with quite a lot of active begging and signs of protest - which may be economic or something else.

The begging I can mostly cope with but last night one man came to my cafe table and wordlessly left a Bic lighter and a little note in English saying that he was unemployed, his wife had cancer and he had two children. He did similarly with a number of tables and then returned, presumably hoping that we would 'buy' the lighter. He took away the lighter and note with no reproach, and some dignity, and I felt very sad. 


  1. "The only church that illuminates is the one that burns!"

  2. Ooh, John thank you.I should have done my own translation - just a time factor. I went to a service in the cathedral last night and mid way there were huge explosions right outside - enough to stop proceedings until they (explosions) ceased. So clearly someone has an issue. Will blog later about the service which was very interesting.

  3. Unfortunately .. it is hard to know if that man was honest or trying his luck.
